Sold [Offer] FGO NA Castoria + Dps starter/semi-starter variants

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/No_Fondant_5151, 10/19/22.

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  1. /u/No_Fondant_5151

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    Selling these FGO NA Castoria + other SSRs starter/semi-starter variants

    Acc#1: Castoria + Himiko + Jalter + Meltryllis + Summer Brynhild np3 + Heracles + 3 more SRs. Story: Early Orleans. Bd unset Fc: 192,072,910 Img: Price: $13 Paypal

    Acc#2: Castoria + Summer Kiara + Nightingale Berserker + Atalanta Alter np2 + Chevalier np2 + 4 more SRs. Notable CE: Devilish Bodhisattva, Heaven's Feel. Story: Okeanos. Bd unset Fc: 318,416,208 Img: Price: $7 Paypal

    Acc#3: Castoria + Kingprotea + Nightingale Berserker + Np2 Passionlip & 5 more SRs. Notable CEs: Black Grail, 2030. Story: Early Orleans. Bd unset. Fc: 393,469,031 Img: Price: $7 Paypal

    Acc#4: Castoria + Voyager + Jeanne d' Arc + Kijyo Koyo + 2 more SRs. Notable Ce: Devilish Bodhisattva. Story: Fuyuki. Bd unset Fc: 437,426,097 Img: Price: $7 Payplal

    Acc#5: Castoria + Merlin + Siegfried np3, Summer Okita np2 + 5 more SRs. Story: Early Septem. Bd unset Fc: 251,948,304 Img: Price: $5 Paypal

    Just dm me here if you want to avail, thanks!

    # #/No_Fondant_5151
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