Sold [Offer] FGO Japan JP Whale Endgame Account, 111 SSR (55 NP5 Five Star Servants)

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/heroforever7, 8/10/23.

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  1. /u/heroforever7

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    [Update]: *** Price Further Reduced! ***


    I have total of 111 Five Star Servants, and 55 of them are NP5.

    I have complete sets of Meta Buster, Arts & Quick Support Servants

    Buster Support: Koyanskaya Light (NP3), Oberon (NP3), Merlin (NP5)

    Arts Support: Castoria (NP5), Tamamo no Mae (NP5), Lady Avalon (NP1)

    Quick Support: Skadi Summer (NP2), Skadi Caster (NP5)

    I also have 2 MLB Black Grail, 6 MLB Kaleidoscope, 3 MLB Fragments of 2030 & 1 MLB GUDAGUDA Poster Girl CE.

    FC: 522,694,530

    Lostbelt No.7 Completed.

    Birthday cannot be reset.

    Price: $950

    Paypal Only.

    Message me in Reddit if you are interested to buy. Thank you.

    # #/heroforever7
    # .
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