Sold [Offer] 2 NA endgames and 2 JP endgame quick sale. LF: crypto.

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/structura, 11/2/23.

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  1. /u/structura

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    Old references : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    [NA_1] 410,045,366

    Lostbelt 6 part 2

    19SSR (25 with NP):

    NP4 : Caster Artoria;

    NP2 : Muramasa, Gilgamesh, Van Gogh;

    NP1 : Astolfo(saber); Napoleon; Arjuna(archer); Enkidu; Achilles; Merlin; Tamamo-no-Mae; Koyanskaya of light; Morgana; Cu alter; Nightingale; Taira no kagekiyo; Space Ishtar; Kiara Sessyoin OG; Yang Guifei;

    Bday unset; 51sq; 35 Grails; 10k Mana prism; 190 GA; 11 RP; Free quests untouched; Epic of Remnant 2,3,4 untouched;

    Price: 65 usd btc/usdt;


    [NA_2] 684,228,430

    Lostbelt 6 part 1;

    8SSR (13 with NP):

    NP 5 : Morgana(10/10/10); Fae Gawain, Fae Tristan;

    NP 3 : Percival;

    NP 2 : Cu alter;

    NP 1 : Saber OG, Europe, Drake, Merlin, Waver, Ganesha;

    Bday unset; Good CE; 0sq; 15 grails; 3500 mana prism; 55 GA; Lostbelt Free quest untouched;

    Price: 40 usd btc/usdt;


    [JP_1] 522,925,453

    Lostbelt 7 completed;

    19 SSR(20 with NP):

    NP 2 : Arjuna alter;

    NP 1 : Mordred; Takasugi Shinsaku; Napoleon; Ishtar; Vritra; Achilles; Castoria; Waver; Xiang Yu; Dantes; Tiamat; Rasputin; Skadi, Nitocris alter; Scheherazade; Minamoto no Tametomo; Space Ishtar; Toneliko.

    Bday unset; Free quest untouched; Epic of Remnant clear; 110 gapple; 15 Lore; 21 grails;

    Price: 30 usd btc/usdt;


    [JP_2] 596,442,496

    Lostbelt 7 completed;

    15SSR (16 with NP):

    NP 2 : Wandjina;

    NP 1 : Muramasa, Dioscuri; Mordred; Scathach; Toneliko; Castoria; Tezcatlipoca; Artoria Caster (Berserker); Morgana; Cu alter; Summer Skadi; Summer Kama; Ganesha; Oberon;

    NP 5 SR : Kriemhild; Tlaloc;

    Bday unset; Free quest untouched; Epic of Remnant clear; 168 GA; 2500 mana prism; 26 RP; 15 Lore; 19 grails;

    Price: 25 usd btc/usdt;


    # #/structura
    # .
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