Sold OCEANIA SERVER | #1 RANK TOSHIRO | 23k CRYSTALS | 210 SSR TICKETS & MORE (Updated 2 May, 2020)

Discussion in 'Bleach Mobile 3D Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by danieroo, 4/22/20.

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  1. danieroo

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    Oceania Server OC1:

    The #1 Rank, Max Yellow 6 Stars, Max Quality, Great Class Converted, Strongest Toshiro in OCEANIA SERVER!

    4 Max Quality Yellow SSR Characters (Toshiro, Toshiro Bankai, White Ichigo, Kenpachi)

    You're chance to take over a Great Account!

    Rename Pill Included (Pre-Purchased for Account Sale worth 1000 Crystals) for your Convenience!

    Power 5 Million

    Lv 120

    Crystals 21k+

    SSR advanced tickets 172 (Guaranteed Character at 160th Ticket)

    470 Exchange Gems for New Future Characters (White VL, VL, Ulq SP, Fly Azien)

    20 SSR characters

    SSR partner (Hyorinmaru)

    This is an endgame account in Oceania, that's been played daily with all daily activities completed everyday since the start. No events missed.

    This is a F2P account so you can still top-up and get all the VIP privileges and resources as if brand new.

    The server is active with players and my account is in the #2 Strongest Association in the Game.

    Hallibel has just been released, she freezes, so she can stack freeze ailments with the 2 Max Quality Toshiros that I have, to constantly freeze your rivals.

    Payment through Official Admin & Staff.

    Rest Assured. Paypal only. Feel free to offer.

    PICTURES HERE: Selling - [Oceania Server] #1 Rank Toshiro | 21k Cyrstals | 172 SSR Tickets | 4 x Yellow | playerup Marketplace
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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