Sold OCE League Account For Sale | 106 skins | 119 Champions | 10kRP | 1800 BE | 7000 OE

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Rocketarmsmedia, 12/4/24.

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  1. /u/Rocketarmsmedia

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    Looking to sell my old account since I don't play League anymore.

    Nothing fancy but has 106 Skins (x1 Legendary, x33 Epic, x30 Legacy), 119 champions, 17 ward skins, 10k RP, 1826 BE, 7037 OE.

    I think that's all the interesting stuff, though I'm not too familiar with the newer collectibles / uniques.

    # #/Rocketarmsmedia
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