Sold not linked global starters 1-3 6* with guaranteed available

Discussion in 'Reverse 1999 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Spi23, 10/30/23.

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  1. Spi23

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    Selling NOT LINKED GLOBAL accounts
    Starter with story up to 1-11
    ~Beginner banner (The First Drop of Rain) still available [guaranteed 6*]~
    Discord: spiritz._.
    For more details, pics & price: Reverse 1999 (link to doc)

    a) Sotheby, Medicine Pocket, Lilya, charlie, dikke, sweetheart
    b) Sotheby, Aknight, Regulus, babyblue, 2 x
    c) 2 Aknight, Eternity, bkornblume, 2 tennant, click, necrologist
    d) 2 Aknight, Sotheby, balloon party, charlie, click, x

    ~2 6*~
    a) Sotheby, Druvis, bkornblume, charlie, 2 dikke
    b) Sotheby, Aknight, charlie, 2 satsuki, x, sweetheart
    c) Sotheby, Lilya, tennant, satsuki, 2 babyblue
    d) Aknight, Regulus, tennat, dikke
    e) Sotheby, Aknight, necrologist, x
    f) Aknight, Medicine Pocket, balloon party, x
    g) Sotheby, Lilya, balloon party, tennant, 2 x

    a) Centurion, bkornblume, charlie, 2 tennant, babyblue, x

    a) Druvis, 2 charlie, x

    ~Medicine Pocket~
    a) Medicine Pocket, 4 charlie, 2 necrologist
    b) Medicine Pocket, 2 bkornblume, 2 charlie, balloon party, tennant, click, sweetheart
    c) Medicine Pocket, bkornblume, click, x

    a) Sotheby, 2 bkornblume, satsuki, dikke, tennant
    b) Sotheby, balloon party, bkornblume, 2 tennant, sweetheart
    c) Sotheby, balloon party, charlie, dikke, babyblue
    d) Sotheby, balloon party, charlie, 2 click, sweetheart

    ~A Knight~
    a) Aknight, tennant, dikke
    b) Aknight, 2 dikke

    a) Lilya, balloon party, bkornblume, satsuki, x

    a) Regulus, charlie, tennant, satsuki, babyblue
    b) Regulus, 2 bkornblume, necrologist, click, x, satsuki

    a) Eternity, babyblue, sweetheart, click, x

    a) Voyager, click, dikke, x

    ~Ms. Newbabel~
    a) Ms. Newbabel, charlie, satsuki, tennant, dikke, babyblue, sweetheart

    Discord: spiritz._.
    For more details, pics & price: Reverse 1999 (link to doc)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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