i have succesfully obtained 400m carats......BUT......it wont let me spend ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! check out the screenshot (if it will allow me to post it) That is because what you have done is changed the value client sided, the carot value is stored on the server. Pretty much you see that much but no one else does. That is also why you can't spend them, the server knows you don't have that much since its stored there. Now if you found a way to have the server believe you earned that many then yes it would work but if you didn't know that that was client sided I don't really see you knowing how to edit packets sent between the client and server to spoof carot's being given to you. thats kinda obvious already...gl in # carats hey, true mainly editing with a CE is client sided and im not disputing that, but i opened a packet editor and attached it to RF, Guess what, Recorded, no packets, just thought id point that out to some ppl who are thinking of trying to packet edit to get it, anyways mabee it was just my packet editor but w/e , DrAgOnLuVa