Stole Money Non Middleman Listing - scammed out of $60 USD

Discussion in 'Disputes - Banned Scammers' started by C9D, 6/8/17.

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  1. C9D

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    How to Report a Dispute
    Please fill out all 9 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated.

    1. Date Dispute Happened

    2. Are You The Buyer or Seller

    3. Total Transaction Value
    $60 USD

    4. Other Parties Username(s)
    PokemonBotting, Worthitgames

    5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment

    6. Other Parties Email Addresses
    [email protected], [email protected]

    7. Other Parties Payment Email Address
    [email protected]

    8. Other Parties Messenger Username
    Skype: tristan.sosteric, kcmasarwa_1

    9. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below

    The original thread I added him to skype for was this one:

     Selling - Level 100 Warthunder Account *CHEAP!* | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    This is our entire conversation on skype, only thing missing is the screenshots he sent, but those are contained in the post in the logs. I have already filed a Paypal dispute, and will be contacting my credit card company in the morning to do a chargeback. I realize that waiting 3 hours might not be a long time, but all he had to do was send me the login information for the email and war thunder accounts i purchased. But to just stop replying to my repeated messages with no followups or quick notes to let me know whats going on is ridiculous. The "tristan.sosteric" skype username is a pc, and the "kcmasarwa_1" skype username is his mobile device. At the end of the log following log, his mobile device was in "away" mode but did pop back into online status, so I know he saw my messages, assuming he didnt block me.

    [6/3/2017 2:51:51 PM] *** Hi Tuber, I'd like to add you as a contact. Interested in your Playerup listing for the Lvl 100 War Thunder account for sale. ***
    [6/3/2017 4:20:02 PM] Tuber: Hey bud
    [6/3/2017 4:21:03 PM] Garrett Bean: Was interested to see those screen shots of that account you are selling. I also assume its never been banned and includes the email address?
    [6/3/2017 4:31:01 PM] Tuber: Its never been banned
    [6/3/2017 4:31:02 PM] Tuber: Yeah
    [6/3/2017 4:31:10 PM] Tuber: Ill get screenshots when i'm hone
    [6/3/2017 4:34:36 PM] Tuber: You got any questions
    [6/3/2017 4:41:30 PM] Garrett Bean: Is this an NA account or EU? Whats the price?
    [6/3/2017 4:41:41 PM] Tuber: NA, name a price
    [6/3/2017 4:42:15 PM] Garrett Bean: I'd like to see screenshots before we discuss price personally.
    [6/3/2017 4:42:22 PM] Tuber: Oh, sorry.
    [6/3/2017 4:42:32 PM] Tuber: Yeah when I get home i'll send it
    [6/3/2017 4:42:47 PM] Garrett Bean: No need to apologize... you have a life to live... no worries.
    [6/3/2017 4:43:01 PM] Tuber: Thanks, ttyl
    [6/3/2017 4:44:39 PM] Tuber: You need anything specific, just so i know
    [6/3/2017 4:55:49 PM] Garrett Bean: Not really, just looking for a decent account comparable to my other one if not better.
    [6/3/2017 4:56:26 PM] Tuber: I understand
    [6/3/2017 4:56:39 PM] Tuber: Thanks for choosing ne
    [6/3/2017 9:22:04 PM] Garrett Bean: As a curiousity, when will you be getting home to send those? Trying to figure out if I should just wait till tomorrow or stay awake. Thanks.
    [6/3/2017 9:25:12 PM] Tuber: Sorry, just sleep please
    [6/3/2017 9:25:17 PM] Tuber: As i'm at fam house
    [6/3/2017 9:25:40 PM] Garrett Bean: ok. thanks for the reply.
    [6/4/2017 10:44:36 AM] Tuber: Hey bud
    [6/4/2017 10:44:38 AM] Tuber: I woke up
    [6/4/2017 10:44:41 AM] Tuber: So I should be getting pics
    [6/4/2017 10:45:00 AM] Garrett Bean: ok... thanks.
    [6/4/2017 10:45:07 AM] Tuber: Sorry if I woke you up
    [6/4/2017 10:45:16 AM] Garrett Bean: not at all
    [6/4/2017 10:45:32 AM] Garrett Bean: been up for 3 hrs already
    [6/4/2017 10:45:32 AM] Tuber: Opening WT client
    [6/4/2017 10:45:45 AM] Tuber: oh ok
    [6/4/2017 10:50:04 AM] Tuber: Ok, i'm gathering pics
    [6/4/2017 10:50:08 AM] Tuber: give me a sec
    [6/4/2017 10:51:24 AM] Tuber: Oop, sorry for spam
    [6/4/2017 10:54:15 AM] Tuber: Do you like what you see?
    [6/4/2017 10:57:01 AM] Tuber: err... you there?
    [6/4/2017 10:57:38 AM] Garrett Bean: Im here...
    [6/4/2017 10:57:50 AM] Tuber: oh, sorry
    [6/4/2017 10:57:58 AM] Tuber: I'm just excited
    [6/4/2017 11:05:09 AM] Garrett Bean: So why are the screenshots you sent me THE EXACT SAME ONES as listed in this thread?:  Selling - Warthunder Level 80 | T5 Jets | Great Tanks | Comes with email! | $70 | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
    [6/4/2017 11:09:46 AM] Garrett Bean: Hello?
    [6/4/2017 11:09:56 AM] Tuber: Oop sorry
    [6/4/2017 11:09:57 AM] Tuber: i'm here
    [6/4/2017 11:10:21 AM] Tuber: that's my alt skype
    [6/4/2017 11:14:06 AM] Tuber: You can go message me hi
    [6/4/2017 11:14:10 AM] Garrett Bean: Please log onto your alt skype and copy and paste the contents of the message I just sent to it. Sorry for being so cautious, I hope you inderstand.
    [6/4/2017 11:14:22 AM] Tuber: Ohh
    [6/4/2017 11:14:25 AM] Tuber: Ok,
    [6/4/2017 11:15:25 AM] Tuber: 'e9 a0 a3 a7 33 10 f8 b9 49 f0 51 20 22 9e fa 77
    7a 98 f7 6c 6e 33 f0 6d e3 fd fe 5b d9 32 f1 f5
    31 e7 7a 7d 99 dc d8 1a a1 4c 4b b2 39 80 1d 1e
    cd ed a3 e6 93 75 86 f3 63 91 ba 80 c7 60 8b c3
    b9 18 e9 3a ee a5 90 67 d7 7c 12 a3 39 cf e9 8e
    ad e5 32 08 99 c4 d2 88 64 34 f8 63 97 d8 5b fc
    ae 98 18 07 f0 07 a5 ac 56 7a 8f 58 34 ec 1d 2d
    56 30 74 75 02 4a 0c 3d c9 65 64 fb fc c1 83 55
    [6/4/2017 11:15:27 AM] Tuber: Correct?
    [6/4/2017 11:16:10 AM] Garrett Bean: Ok... sorry... but you can see how that looks fishy
    [6/4/2017 11:16:17 AM] Tuber: Its completely ok
    [6/4/2017 11:17:35 AM] Tuber: so, you ready to buy
    [6/4/2017 11:18:02 AM] Garrett Bean: What are you looking for?
    [6/4/2017 11:18:23 AM] Tuber: Money I guess?
    [6/4/2017 11:18:33 AM] Garrett Bean: Well.... I knew that... lol
    [6/4/2017 11:18:35 AM] Tuber: Also, just to make sure we're on the same page.
    [6/4/2017 11:18:40 AM] Tuber: You trust me now, right?
    [6/4/2017 11:19:06 AM] Garrett Bean: so far... lol
    [6/4/2017 11:19:44 AM] Tuber: Name a price
    [6/4/2017 11:20:48 AM] Garrett Bean: I'd have to transfer some funds around tomorrow when my bank opens, but I can do 60 bucks at the moment.
    [6/4/2017 11:21:04 AM] Tuber: Hmm
    [6/4/2017 11:21:16 AM] Tuber: 60 is a lil low
    [6/4/2017 11:23:47 AM] Tuber: How much can you do tomorrow?
    [6/4/2017 11:29:33 AM] Garrett Bean: Compared to some of the other listings I have feelers out for, 65 is the most I'd be willing to go. But I still have to wait til tomorrow to move the money around, and I would like to do it through middleman to make sure everything is on the up and up throughout the exchange.
    [6/4/2017 11:29:48 AM] Tuber: alright, 60 is good
    [6/4/2017 11:29:51 AM] Tuber: can we talk later though?
    [6/4/2017 11:31:16 AM] Garrett Bean: And just to be certain...

    The email account associated with the War Thunder account is included?

    The account has never been banned in any way and is in good standing?
    [6/4/2017 11:31:29 AM] Tuber: 100%
    [6/4/2017 11:31:40 AM] Tuber: Do you plan on banning it?
    [6/4/2017 11:31:41 AM] Garrett Bean: I have never done this before... and its kinda scary... lol
    [6/4/2017 11:31:46 AM] Tuber: Oh I see.
    [6/5/2017 6:02:43 PM] Garrett Bean: Ready to get this middleman deal rolling sir
    [6/5/2017 6:03:36 PM] Tuber: Hey
    [6/5/2017 6:03:40 PM] Tuber: give me a couple more hour
    [6/5/2017 11:43:44 PM] Garrett Bean: Sorry... am on call and got paged out.
    [6/6/2017 10:48:09 PM] Garrett Bean: Still selling that account, been waiting for that middleman link since yesterday.
    [6/7/2017 7:40:24 AM] Tuber: Hey
    [6/7/2017 7:40:31 AM] Tuber: Tbh, I dont wanna do mm
    [6/7/2017 7:40:34 AM] Tuber: Sorry ):
    [6/7/2017 7:40:51 AM] Tuber: Last time it took me 4 months to get my account
    [6/7/2017 8:30:48 PM] Garrett Bean: So then what would you suggest?
    [6/7/2017 8:30:58 PM] Tuber: If thats ok sir
    [6/7/2017 8:31:02 PM] Tuber: 1v1 trade?
    [6/7/2017 8:31:12 PM] Garrett Bean: trade for what?
    [6/7/2017 8:31:24 PM] Tuber: I mean1v1 you buy
    [6/7/2017 8:33:41 PM] Garrett Bean: paypal?
    [6/7/2017 8:33:49 PM] Tuber: Yea
    [6/7/2017 8:34:42 PM] Tuber: Are you still interested?
    [6/7/2017 8:34:53 PM] Tuber: I have the account saved just for you
    [6/7/2017 8:34:57 PM] Tuber: I dont wanna guilt you
    [6/7/2017 8:34:59 PM] Tuber: Its your call
    [6/7/2017 8:35:05 PM] Garrett Bean: yea...
    [6/7/2017 8:35:56 PM] Tuber: When woudld ya like to buy if
    [6/7/2017 8:35:58 PM] Tuber: It*
    [6/7/2017 8:36:30 PM] Garrett Bean: now is good... i moved that money over already
    [6/7/2017 8:36:54 PM] Tuber: Oh, alright would you like my paypal
    [6/7/2017 8:37:07 PM] Garrett Bean: yeah
    [6/7/2017 8:43:04 PM] Garrett Bean: hello?
    [6/7/2017 8:43:16 PM] Tuber: [email protected]
    [6/7/2017 8:43:26 PM] Tuber: Hey sry bouth that
    [6/7/2017 8:43:32 PM] Garrett Bean: NP
    [6/7/2017 8:50:17 PM] Garrett Bean: Sent
    [6/7/2017 8:51:00 PM] Tuber: How much
    [6/7/2017 8:51:33 PM] Garrett Bean: 60 USD like we agreed, turns into like 78.44 canadian
    [6/7/2017 8:53:55 PM] Garrett Bean: can we talk later though?
    [6/7/2017 8:54:36 PM] Tuber: Hey, i got the money
    [6/7/2017 8:54:38 PM] Garrett Bean: Its up there eight above that
    [6/7/2017 8:54:45 PM] Tuber: Wanna call?
    [6/7/2017 8:55:46 PM] Garrett Bean: call?... you can just give me the login info for the email and the war thunder account right here...
    [6/7/2017 8:56:24 PM] Tuber: Yeah
    [6/7/2017 8:56:33 PM] Tuber: Sorry i'm turnong pc on
    [6/7/2017 8:56:58 PM] Garrett Bean: which email provider is it?
    [6/7/2017 8:57:09 PM] Tuber: @gmail
    [6/7/2017 9:09:50 PM] Garrett Bean: whats goin on?
    [6/7/2017 9:10:01 PM] Tuber: I'm unlinking stuff
    [6/7/2017 9:10:12 PM] Garrett Bean: (cool)
    [6/7/2017 9:11:21 PM] Tuber: You excited
    [6/7/2017 9:13:18 PM] Garrett Bean: I believe in pessimistic optimism.... I expect the worst, so that way if it happens, I'm not surprised.... and anything better than the worst, is better..
    [6/7/2017 9:13:34 PM] Tuber: I see.
    [6/7/2017 9:13:34 PM] Tuber: Sorry
    [6/7/2017 9:15:59 PM] Garrett Bean: Its ok, no need to apologize.... I dont know you personally, and it would be a totally different experience if I knew you, but I am fully expecting to get screwed. I dont have a lot of faith in people I dont know.
    [6/7/2017 9:16:15 PM] Tuber: I see.
    [6/7/2017 9:17:24 PM] Garrett Bean: I dont have a lot of friends, but the friends I do have would lie down in traffic for me... and I them...
    [6/7/2017 9:17:50 PM] Tuber: I see.
    [6/7/2017 9:28:17 PM] Garrett Bean: hello?
    [6/7/2017 9:29:02 PM] Tuber: Hey
    [6/7/2017 9:29:03 PM] Tuber: Sorry
    [6/7/2017 9:29:08 PM] Tuber: I'm finalizing things
    [6/7/2017 9:29:10 PM] Tuber: removing friedns
    [6/7/2017 9:57:37 PM] Garrett Bean: ...
    [6/7/2017 9:58:54 PM] Tuber: oop sorry
    [6/7/2017 9:58:56 PM] Tuber: I was in call
    [6/7/2017 10:01:43 PM] Garrett Bean: Its been just a little over an hour, whats left to do?
    [6/7/2017 10:03:05 PM] Tuber: I'm saying goodbye
    [6/7/2017 10:03:08 PM] Tuber: to my mates
    [6/7/2017 10:06:51 PM] Garrett Bean: mates..... guild mates?
    [6/7/2017 10:06:56 PM] Tuber: Yeah
    [6/7/2017 10:19:17 PM] Garrett Bean: Can I get the gmail login info while you are saying goodbye? I can at least get that started in the mean time.
    [6/7/2017 10:21:47 PM] Tuber: I see.
    [6/7/2017 10:21:48 PM] Tuber: Sure
    [6/7/2017 10:25:43 PM] Garrett Bean: ok... what is it?
    [6/7/2017 10:33:55 PM] Garrett Bean: I'm starting to feel like I got scammed
    [6/7/2017 10:38:12 PM] Garrett Bean: hello
    [6/7/2017 10:41:29 PM] Garrett Bean: Hello?
    [6/7/2017 10:45:07 PM] Garrett Bean: Not trying to sound mean, but this is getting a bit ludicrous.
    [6/7/2017 10:53:06 PM] Garrett Bean: hello?
    [6/7/2017 10:58:56 PM] Garrett Bean: Are you going to send the logins for the accounts I purchased? yes or no?
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    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

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    @C9D , please provide screenshots of the chat log.
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  5. freechest

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    How can you protect yourself from these type of scams in the future?
    I strongly recommend in the future to use PlayerUp Middleman Services to protect yourself from these type of scams. Here is how it works for buyers (Middleman: Buyers Guide | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. and here is how it works for sellers (Middleman: Sellers Guide | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    What can you do next to resolve this issue?
    Since this is a PayPal transaction, you need to immediately go to PayPal and open a dispute hopefully before the seller moves those funds. In order to do that, go to your paypal receipt, and see the area where it says resolution or dispute payment. Open a dispute and provide them as much proof as possible. Contact PayPal as well and ask them what you need to do to win a dispute. Keep in constant communication with paypal. If you sent the payment by family and friends then unfortunately those funds are lost as you cannot dispute those payments and we strongly advise against sending friends and family payments in the future even if the seller requires it, you can easily say no. For more information, please contact PayPal.

    Can PlayerUp provide compensation for this dispute?
    Since this is a non middleman transaction and PlayerUp wasn't directly involved with safeguarding your payment and guaranteeing your transaction we will unfortunately not be able to provide any compensation for you on this transaction as you dealt directly with the individual for which you're submitting a complaint against in this ticket. However if you're able to locate his full name and address, we can possibly go after him but there is no guarantee we'll be able to recover any lost property or funds - Guide - Combat Fraud Service | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    How can I protect myself in the future?
    We strongly advise that you don't conduct business offsite. This is the #1 way scammers attract buyers and sellers is they lure them offsite and then bait them into anything because they have no consequences for their actions. If you did business on site, then disregard this message as the majority of scams are done offsite.
    #4 freechest, 6/8/17
    Last edited: 6/9/17
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    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: freechest Re: #4[/trigger]
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    upload_2017-6-8_17-54-1.png upload_2017-6-8_17-54-57.png upload_2017-6-8_18-3-53.png upload_2017-6-8_18-4-44.png upload_2017-6-8_18-5-25.png upload_2017-6-8_18-6-0.png upload_2017-6-8_18-6-36.png upload_2017-6-8_18-7-18.png
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    upload_2017-6-8_18-17-16.png upload_2017-6-8_18-14-9.png upload_2017-6-8_18-14-48.png upload_2017-6-8_18-15-18.png upload_2017-6-8_18-15-49.png upload_2017-6-8_18-16-25.png upload_2017-6-8_18-16-52.png upload_2017-6-8_18-17-16.png
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    And as you can see from my current skype screen... he is online, there are no additional responses... not even to a message I just sent


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    Update to the conversation, as he responded today..

    upload_2017-6-8_20-18-35.png upload_2017-6-8_20-19-47.png
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    Updates? Is he going to compensate you or give you the account?
    Tell him to reply here within 24 hours or he will receive a ban on PlayerUp.

    Please Read This -
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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

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    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: freechest Re: #9[/trigger]
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    He stopped responding after what I posted. I will be more than happy to contact him again tonight after i get home from work, around 6pm CST.
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    You can add Illusionzz on here to this as well... using the same Skype name..
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  16. freechest

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    I have still not received the login info I paid for, nor has this individual refunded my money.
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  18. freechest

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    Please Read Post #4 in this Thread.
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    I know, and I am doing that. I get that there isnt a lot that you can do due to the type of transaction this was. However this person still hasnt responded to this dispute even after being told that to not respond would result in a ban. I was only keeping you updated to the situation, so you didnt have to ask for one.
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  20. freechest

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    His accounts will be banned soon.
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  21. OP

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    Paypal dispute has been escalated to a claim. Still have not received the login details or a refund.
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  22. OP

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    An update, claim is still pending, and here are some screenshots of our email conversation he initiated tonight, along with another email to make sure stays banned...

    upload_2017-6-18_3-21-25.png upload_2017-6-18_3-20-39.png
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  23. OP

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    @freechest @Admin

    I now request that you take immediate action... this individual has threatened me, my family members, and my children. This is a continuation of the email conversation from what I last posted.
    upload_2017-6-18_16-5-11.png upload_2017-6-18_16-1-32.png upload_2017-6-18_16-2-6.png
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