VIP 9 JOY: 1.7 T. GOLD: 7.3 M. GEMS: 1.7 K. CHARACTERS WORTH MENTIONING 1. 6* Howl Plus . 2. 6* Unicorn Sofia Plus. 3. 6* Dr. X. 4. 5* 9-Tailed Lucy Plus. 5. 5* Archaeologist Sharon. 6. 5* Reapercy. ... + 11 diamond, 3 platinum and 9 gold characters. ~+Phantom Ion 6* Upgrade Star and Wintry May 6* Upgrade Star+~ EXP ENFORCERS X2 x10 Enforcers. X15 x5 Enforcers. x29 x3 Enforcers. SUMMON TICKETS x11 Dr.X summon ticket. x8 Gray summon ticket. x15 May summon ticket. DICE 6* VIP Cherry Blossom. 5* VIP Youkai. 5* Magical. 5* Golden. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKILL CARDS - BLACK CARDS 1. Occupancy 2. Berserk 3. Fetch 4. Pursuit 5. Haste 6. Celebrity's Visit - BLACK STONES 1. Winning Move Blackstone 2. Switch Blackstone - 6* PLUS Come Over Here, Crucial Moment, Charming Rainbow, Hold My Hand x2, Panda's Greed, Time for Revenge, Mirror Mirror, More and More, Incomplete Controller, Wanted, Pirates Never Miss, Blackout, Bring it Drone, Smack!, Symbol of Wealth, Celebrity's Gppds, Drag, Pull, Bash, Speeding, Ambush, Dice of Blessing, Counterattack and Retribution Reverse. ... + around 30-35 different/unique 6 stars. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOODS 6 STAR GOODS ONLY -TOP GOODS 1. Beginner's Headband 2. Body Oil 3. Angel's Wings 4. Raven's Mask ... Cheering Doll, Passionate Flame, Taxpayer's Trophy, Fountain Pen, Shoes of Hermes, Rhythmical Dice, Rip-Off Ticket, Penguin Ticket, Voyage Log, Jail Key, Mysterious Glove, Big Bro Drill, New Home, Growth Hormone Shot, Charity and Conqueror's Check. Goods EXP Kits x5 x3 EXP Kit x5 x10 EXP Kit x1 X20 EXP Kit (Not everything in accounted for here, but I tried to include as much as possible.)