Sold No.2 in server account 150m+ account

Discussion in 'One Punch Man Road To Hero Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by imercimek, 7/4/21.

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  1. imercimek

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    Hey guys,

    After playing this game and cherishing my account since the game's launch, i think its time to pass on the account. I've spent over 2500 dollars into this account and it includes:
    - lvl 327 BW
    - chapter 27+ (haven't played the story in a while)
    - Lvl 70 essence
    - TT and Geryu lvl 7 LB and others
    - Several lvl 30 and 5 stars characters
    - 2.1 million robots
    - frames, including the number on of the server frame.
    - lvl 30 Mythic watchdog and king. Mythic Boros
    - VIP 13

    For questions you can ask me on here or on discord robinhood#3103. Only reasonable offers, no scammers and serious buyers please! (open to using Middleman ofcourse)

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