Selling   Android and iOS NO.1 BLADEDANCER, EU-1**, R.10 SET, LVL 90,VIP-8, 40M BR

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Karlsson, 4/25/19.

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  1. Karlsson

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    My Location:
    Hello, wts top bladedancer lvl.87, 22M BR, account with VIP8 (8,5k diamonds to VIP9).
    I have best lvl.87 maximum exp.54,39% on server, and best rank 33 (purple nick) first on server and now only me have it 14.04.17
    I did not miss a single day of the game, I play 2 months from the start of the server
    I am the leader of the top-1 guild with full top-500 plunder (only my guild) + pvp in top-1000, no rate plunders. All time we have title - The guild. Server is not a swamp, plays a lot of people, 2 competing guilds, my guild has a top-1 player with VIP-15 with good online (in my fellowship lvl 5), a victory is assured. Only my guild have 8 lvl in server.
    I have No. 4 spot in arena, 3 spot not play, need some days for 3 spot without money. For 2 spot need 2m br - its easy pay some money for good event. I often have the title PVP King. All time i have top-1,top-2 dmg peace, pvp boss(20-40 kills enemy) because have top-2 skills rank.
    I have good reputation on server, because win (top-1) event Valentine's Day from 10 servers (have screenshot)

    Equipment the best on server: I have a lot of vouchers for r4, r5, r6, and r7.
    Weapon: R10
    Head: R9 (need only 200 dragonsoul for up R10)
    Shoulders: R10
    Armor: R10
    Legs: R10
    Boots: R10
    Ring: R9 (need more 1 R9 and dragonsoul) 1 tycoon and have it
    Necklace: R9 (need more 1 R9 and dragonsoul) 1 tycoon and have it
    For info:
    top-1 player 38m br lvl.86, vip-15, 3 part r.10 (my guild, my fellowship member)
    top-2 player 24m br lvl.87, vip-11, 4 part r.10 (enemy guild)
    top-3 player 23m br lvl.86, vip-12, 3 part r.10 (without guild, because enemy kick him, 1 weak not play, may be ban)

    Wrathwings all lvl 40, need 65 part immortal its give ~1m br(have 12136 souls for up other wings)

    Pets all have 3-5 stars, 2 have 80+ lvl. 1 red pet(loivissa, need more 48 parts for 2 red pet - raphael

    Twilight set: 220 darksouls
    Head: lvl. 25 rank 5
    Legs: lvl. 15 rank 0
    Feet: lvl. 15 rank 2
    Armor: lvl. 15 rank 0
    Ring: lvl. 25 rank 5
    Necklace: lvl. 25 rank 5

    Sale lod account because have not time, but I will not miss a single day until I sell.

    If you want to know more about the character, more screenshots, contact me

    My mail: [email protected]

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  2. PlayerUp

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