Discussion in 'Discord OG Usernames for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by 5rBo6, 5/18/20.

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  1. 5rBo6

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    the quality:
    welcome to the best d1scord nitro sniper in the market, using this tool, you will be able to get free nitros, fully autopilot, and easily. the program will auto snipe any nitro sent on servers/dms of your alts and claim all redeemed nitros on your main d1scord account, it's time to start geetting tons of nitros automatically while you're sleeping !

    -ui interface
    - multi-token support
    -no ban
    - very fast claim latency ( less than 0.1s )
    - d1scord bot :for license management & more ..
    - detailled capture : nitro link | source ( server name / dms ) | latency

    how does it work? :
    the tool will auto-detect every incoming d1scord nitro codes ( classic/boost ) of your alts, and claim the nitros in a response time of less than 0.1s on your main d1scord account, ( no human can be faster ). for example : your alts are on some servers called "vertex community" and "chill nation" and on a group called "aqua's group", the tool will scan every nitro gift sent on any channel of these servers/groups or dms automatically then redeem it on your main d1scordaccount faster than any human, you don't need even to start d1scord, just run the tool and enjoy claiming nitros while sleeping.

    does it stack nitros ? : if you already have nitro and you sniped one, the nitro will be stacked on your inventory.

    will my accounts get banned : your alt have 2% chances to get banned, your main 0%

    why should i use this while there are free snipers : you won't find any sniper with all these features.

    how can i use it / how to get my tokens / how to setup ... : don't worry ! we've prepared a step by step guide for you !

    are my tokens stored somewhere or visible by someone ? : no. your d1scord tokens are locally used on your devices and not visible by anyone ( even me and the owner ).

    how do i know there is no token stealer ? : feel free to contact a staff member to verify the owner's tool activity / source.

    how can i trust you ? u will see the vouches

    $10/3 months
    $15/ 6 months
    $20/ year

    payment method:
    maybe gift cards

    discord : c1#8333
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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