Selling [Ninja Saga - Facebook.] Ultimate Account +More - Good Price.

Discussion in 'Naruto Ninja Saga Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Choppers, 1/14/15.

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  1. Choppers

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    [Ninja Saga - Facebook.] Ultimate Account +More - Good Price.
    I will be selling 2 accounts here, I am the second owner of the main account, but its in safe hands i can asure you. I am the owner of the second. These accounts have there own seperate Facebook. accounts, will all details which is required also.
    The Second account is a Premium Account with 1500 Tokens. Its more of an account if you wish to start fresh from etc.
    The Main Account is also a Premium Account:


    Five of these characters are Champions, years of collecting and hard work was put into this account. each with there own Abilities and setups, a good amount of weapons/Outfits/Hairs/Backpacks to play with for each character, A large amount of Tokens as you can see. but the main character is the pride and joy of this account:


    This character has won alot of Clan Season Tornaments which means he has alot of clothes to play with, alot of rare and top end gear in his collection. its something you wont see everyday for sale thats for sure, if you have ever played ninja saga.

    Im looking for $100+ offers for this account, im not asking for stupid amounts ether!, reason being is like i said, alot of hard work was put in, if i dont sell it i shall keep.

    Please post here before contacting me, Thanks!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sorry i was ment to say the account has 9 Champion kinjutsus.
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  2. Paramveer

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    Contact me, I am interested. I would like to see the talent, pets, kinjutsus, remaining tokens, and price.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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