Selling  Nibiru IMVU

Discussion in 'IMVU Items for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by ToFaN, 11/4/18.

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  1. ToFaN

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    This program reveals public and private rooms and shows us conversation ^^

    Features of the program
    1) High speed in bringing rooms for each user.
    2) Detection of public and private rooms.
    3) View Conversation.
    4) A list of favorite rooms can add or delete any rooms you like from existing rooms.
    5) Individual search for single rooms or group search rooms.
    6) A list of the last rooms you entered, whether by calling or direct entry (public or private) and possible to add any room from the list of the last rooms to rum favorite or looking at the last rooms entered and eavesdropped.
    7) A new security system comfortably for the user and the guardian so that when you buy the program give you an account with your name and the secret code you request and the program will ask for a login to register your computer license. When you change the computer, it takes 4 days to automatically change the license to the new computer to solve all licensing problems.
    8) Very easy to deal so that I shortened 6 buttons with one button and will understand and experience the program in just ten minutes!
    9) Attractive design new technique in programming! Give efficiency to the program
    10) Secure in use so that it works externally and does not affect your account.
    11) The gaps in the program are protected and hard to detect, but they are not found on the program site, so that when a copy of IMVU arrives, they know where the gap is.
    12) Software update system When a new version of the software is released, the update will be requested and updated from within the program without links.
    13) More features you will know when using ..,

    Video YouTube

    Price Plan $
    The price of the version for 6 months with protection for the account 150 $
    The price of the version for a year with protection for the account is 250 $

    To Contact Us
    - Telephone number: 00201141425987
    - Whats App: 00201141425987
    - BBM: DB4788C8
    - Skype: tofan69940
    - Telegram: tofan69940
    #1 ToFaN, 11/4/18
    Last edited: 11/4/18
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  2. PlayerUp

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