[News] New CoD Minion Needed!

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Liz, 2/23/17.

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  1. Liz

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Please read this post carefully before posting.


    • Must have at least 500 posts. NO EXCEPTIONS
    • Must be able to test all uploaded files, for any security risks and advertisements.
    • Must be familiar with and a regular in these section(s). (Don't bother applying if you are not)
    • Must have at least 4 months in the site.
    • Must help the section continue to grow.
    • Must have proven BEFORE the applications a willingness to assist & contribute to the section.
    • Must be able to not only uphold the rules of the site, but abide by them.
    • Must be EXTREMELY Active
    • Must be proficient with the English language.


    • To moderate the section, by cleaning up posts, threads, that break site rules and policies.
    • To test all uploaded files, for any security risks and advertisements.
    • To assist users with any concerns or questions they might have.

    Application Format:

    1. Name: (Nickname is fine,)
    2. Age:
    3. Location & Time Zone:
    4. Activity by hours: (Be realistic take into account personal responsibilities.)
    5. Do you go to school or work: (If so what hours are you usually away from home?)
    6. Are you staff/special member in any other website: (If so where & what position/usergroup)
    7. Why should you be chosen as minion: (Please try to give examples on how you've helped members in this section, or other reasons as to why you're a better candidate)

    All others will be deleted & banned. Beggars will be removed & banned. So don't beg or solicit people to 'support' and/or thank your post.
    We will find out, and you will be removed from Applications. If we cannot trust you with this simple instruction, we cannot trust you enough for staff.

    We reserve the right to select a current staff member instead of, or in addition to a new minion.
    This is usually determined by quality of applicants, their history with the site and/or staff and admins.​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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