Selling  Newer Kingdom. Top 50 Rank. 130m+ Power. 26 SH. Kingdon 78X. #1 Alliance.

Discussion in 'King of Avalon Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Safe & Cheap' started by JibbaJabba, 5/30/20.

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  1. JibbaJabba

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    My Location:
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    Please PM me for exact kingdom.
    Excellent account for enjoying a new kindgom from a strong foundation.
    Screenshots can be made. Honest gamer for many years (coming from WoW).
    Easily top 50 rank on server and in ranked 1 alliance.
    Equipment is 2 Hegemony and 4 Redeemer (5/6 items level 3, one level 2 but have 100m steel, will be all level 3 in couple of days) - so plenty of room to upgrade power.
    29 destruction ingots. 40 hegemony. 100 redeemer. 600 deathseeker.
    Stats around 1500 for inf/cav/bow
    Full Harvest set for gathering etc.
    Level 53 dragon. 5 star. Skills all 20+ (march maxed at 30) almost all 4 star now. Emblems all Epic radiant maxed at +6. 202k essence.
    SH is 26 but power is much stronger than other higher SH's here. Main buildings level 26, Range, Barracks, Stables, Siege, HoW, Embassy etc. High level rss buildings.
    Army size 750k+ (350k tier 8 and 9)
    Statues Epic Thunder level 5 (max level for these) + 22k material.
    Artifacts 1/4 R5. Rest R2.
    Excellent research for level.
    Excellent merlin progression and key items unlocked (daily speedups etc).
    Hero weapons: 1 # (upgraded 1 level), 4 tempest (4/6, 4/6, 5/6. 5/6 upgrades), 2 Terra, 1 Vigor. 2.4k tears. 80 glory fragments.
    VIP9. So 5 Marches when activated. 20+ days atm.
    Gems mostly level 6 chivalry stones. 2 floorless chaos. 17.7m gemstone essence, 215 sun heart
    Heros: Level 40 = Uther and Evaine, 36 = Morgause and Hellawaves (farming), Level 30s = Iseult, King Arthur, Red Knight, Bors, Elaine, Hua, Sir Bed, Elyan, Lionel, Tristan, Balan - loads of others 20+ inc. Morein, Oberon, Igraine.
    Items of note at time of writing: Gold 16k, 16 random teleport, 27 advanced teleport, 8x8 hour shiled, 5x24hr, loads of attack/defence powerups, antiscouts, gathering boosts etc.
    Dragon spirit level 41.
    Account is active so these stats may change / increase slightly - may use materials listed to perform relevant upgrades.

    Spent over £500 on the account.
    Price £350ono is very reasonable for a pretty new kingdom.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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