All Accounts are New + Buyer's will be First User & Owner Instruction: 1. You need to download and install Steam (if not already installed) 2. Sign in to your account using the purchased login and password. Change Email/Pass- 1. Login to the provided email account. 2. Change Email with the code arrives on Email DONE About The Account: ⚡Created by me, absolutely legit and safe. Never will be recalled. ⚡Game never started on this account (0 hours played), you'll be first real owner. ⚡Region free (you can play from any country) ⚡Don’t have any bans
I tried by sending as the forum suggested, with link to product, ammount in credits and sellers username. Still no response or any sign of any transaction
Middlemans not dooing anything so im not able to purchase account through credits, even though iv fiilled out payment forum. Livechat is also no help