Renting      New Upwork Account for long term rent on a separate laptop 24\7 Russia

Discussion in 'Upwork Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by WarmBear, 3/11/20.

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  1. WarmBear

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    My Location:
    Hello! im from Russia and my Upwork account is geniune Russian too. This account belong to my good friend who will never register and work on Upwork for sure. I also have few friends for future accounts.
    As i had bad experience with previous freelancers, who left acoounts i made before and waste my money i have to to tell you my conditions of use this account. If you agree with it, ill be glad to help you to work on Upwork for a long time.
    - I need a separate laptop for you and your account. It will cost you $200 for cheap used one.
    - account will pass verification as much times as it needed
    - I need prepayment to be sure about your intentions by $200 to my paypal account, i will buy laptop with it firstly
    - Mounthly rent is 10% not less than $150 ( we may discuss fee # after first 6-12 months)
    - You buy your connects by your money ( send me summ for 10,20-80 you need and i buy it as soon as i can)

    I can give any verification of my personality you may need and also i need yours.
    Sorry for this troublestarting, i hope you understand my protective acts.

    Withdraw will be with Payoneer

    Here is our actions, if you ok with all terms
    I let you see the person. After i got money i buy laptop and we create it together on separate IP. If you spent all your connects you have to send me money to buy more.
    It just sounds hard.


    Best regards freelancers
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