Sold New Seox code 10 , Astral + 1 skin 15 , and any other grinds thingy

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/KucingMangkal, 7/16/21.

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  1. /u/KucingMangkal

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    • Astral Weapon (Belzebub): 5$
    • Narmaya/Soriz/Djeeta/Zooey: 10$
    • Belial/Cagliostro/Yuel/Anre/Eustace/Seox: 10$
    • Astral + 1 skin: 15$
    • GBVS Promotional Code (Evolite/GB/Sunlight): 50$
    • Vyrn Suit: 25$
    • 5000 + 1000 crystals +1000 crystals: 30$
    • 5000 + 1000 crystals (RPG Normal+Eps 45): 25$
    • 1000 crystals (Eps 50): 6$
    Lucilius Hard: 1x only cost 4$, and 6x 18$!

    • Run happen around 8pm GMT+8 (Singaporean Time) or 9pm JST (Japan Standard Time)
    • We can pilot the account for you, or join the raid yourself!
    • Cannot join with the time mentioned above and want to join the raid yourself? Contact us to schedule it!
    • Use party that only consist the MC with Main or Support summon Kaguya, then use one skill.
    • After all those, leave everything to us!
    Beelzebub/Belial Hard: 1x only cost 5$, and 6x 20$!

    • Run happen around 9pm GMT+8 (Singaporean Time) or 10pm JST (Japan Standard Time)
    • We can pilot the account for you, or join the raid yourself!
    • Cannot join with the time mentioned above and want to join the raid yourself? Contact us to schedule it!
    • Just cast one skill and leave everything to us!
    • (Accepting other grinding services too.)
    • OTHER GRINDING LISTS (other requests just DM!)

    Discord ID: KucingMangkal#8081

    Payment Paypal F&F or G&S with tax (4.4%+0.30$)

    # #/KucingMangkal
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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