Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Hydrogen, 12/31/16.

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  1. Hydrogen

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    Earlier today, I recieved confirmation for an order that was supposed to be retail and the rep assured me it would have a band and charger, but it only stated pebble in the confirmation. I then went on the live support, and asked them why it wasn't 'retail'. They then said that I was going to be contacted by the warranty team, BY PHONE. I asked why, but she said that it was their new a part of their new policies, which stated that they would now be contacting the phones number associated with the cracked fitbit account. At this stage, I got incredibly worried at the thought of the original owner of the account receiving a call. I then asked her if she could send it to an alternate phone number, but she refused. She also couldn't tell them to contact me via email. I told her that was fine, just to end the chat and come up with a solution. The only solution I was able to think of was to change the phone number associated with the account PRIOR to contacting them. But this wouldn't be an effective long term solution, as most of us have no, or only one phone number, and it will become obvious if we just have a million replacments on one phone. :(
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