Selling Neverwinter PvP Account

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sjaynes1228, 10/29/15.

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  1. sjaynes1228

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    I'm selling my PvP account. It's main toon is a Control wizard, The account has the Feywild Pack and the Pally Pack(Both together are an $80 value), 1500 Gold in the Bank, as well as 2 seperate sets of the Guild Ward, assault Gear(rings,belt,neck)
    My toon's go as follow(there will be lot's of pictures of everything as well
    Rev0LT-level 70 cw-Full PvP gear, Double slotted Rings, Rank 8 and rank 9 Radiant Enchantments, Legendary Artifacts,full Laustmauth Set, Negation Enchantment, Greater Lightneing Enchantment,Perfect Bronzewood Enchantment, Flail Snail Mount, Unicorn Mount
    RevoLT-Level 68 Guardian Fighter, (His enchantments were stripped for other purposes, but if you put all the rank 8's on on him, he's way too OP for his own good)
    -SnoWwhiTe-Level 61 Pally-In the makings of a perfect Deflect build, so if you continue with that, by the time you're 70, you'll already be Over powered, again, enchantments were taken for other purposes, ready to be played
    Experimenting with an HR, wearing the ensorcelled Mul gear, and the Xvim set Belt and ring.

    Im asking a lower price for this account because Im in need for cash. Send me an Email on here or @ [email protected]

    -Thanks and hope to cya soon

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