Sold Netflix + Spotify + ebay gift card

Discussion in 'Netflix Accounts for Sale - Buy or Sell' started by /u/magpiecrackle, 2/4/17.

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  1. /u/magpiecrackle

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    I am selling freshly made Netflix and Spotify accounts + a $3 eBay gift card. I'm selling the three as a package for around $5. Both will be working for exactly a month. The Netflix account is a Premium one ($11.99 a month) and the Spotify account is a Family account ($14.99 a month). So basically it's like $1 for each account for one month. No one will have access to the accounts, except for the person that buys them and the people he chooses to share them with. He will be able to add up to 5 people in them, since the Netflix account is Premium and the Spotify account is a Family one. The eBay gift card is a digital one and it can be applied only to a US shipping address. I accept PayPal and Bitcoin as a payment.

    PM me if you're interested.

    # #/magpiecrackle
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