Selling  High End  Android and iOS NerfMonster Pally Tank 79k CR/ Top9 Pally on rank. (LeverLan Lake Server)

Discussion in 'Crusaders of Light Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NerfMonster, 6/23/18.

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  1. NerfMonster

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    Stats : str 270, Vitality 379, Spirit 356
    attack 1663- 1783
    def 2812 Spell Def 2659 (att 30/06)
    hp 32k
    crit 38%, HitRating 121.3% Accuracy At 8% Crushing Resist at 70% (no rock/lightjustice set equiped)

    Dps At Lords is like 30k- 35k. Single target 25k+

    Star circles : Flourish VI 9/60 spell def SS, def S, parry SS and hp S At MAXIMUM, Mp on 2 C, SpellResist at 4 SS,
    Swiftness IV 40/40 Aux 2 maxim II, and 2 III Maximum
    Dexterity III 30/30 Aux I= 3max , II = 2 max, III IV max, V= II Max
    Roar: III 24/30 Full 2max Aux
    Motivation III 25/30 Full 2 Max Aux

    Gems : Full 40 Patk Gems , 5 heart of the sea lvl 20, and all others gems at 40, or 30 perfect gems. (att 30/06 ( now have 1 50 gem 2.5hitrating DEFENSE, and FULL 40 defense gems)

    sets: 3 beacon , 3 firebomb , 3 wild missiles , 2 thunderstorm , 2 carapace (have 2 more pieces to put sets combo)

    Itens : weapon ( S ) grade 272 (starting up this now) All defenses pieces aT 384 S or SS more, atqs pieces not too high
    runes : Full lvl 40, and rening cooldown almost at 50.

    Archievments points 10500/11000
    All Lord Hunt Completed (except Grimwol and Rose)
    Almost All Normal hunt at 120%

    no one money spend on this account.

    Obs1 : With this account have another 7 With diamond bundle (new event chest)
    2: Have 400k + Gold
    3: Alot of mirrors (dext,roar,swiftness and Flourish in the wharehouse
    4: Weapon and boots legendary in wharehouse (using mystica 336 sets pieces atk)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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