Account for Sale Main Character Information WTs account that has the most rps from all the accounts in daoc!!! Account Information gimpchimp.etilader/s.php?u=ccn account comes with a free buffbot account.also has over 5 mihtrills spread all over the account.every single toon has one of the best templates in game.Waiting for offers my email is [email protected] wanna trade i just wanna sell Account for Sale Main Character Information WTS ALB/MID account - good chars on both realms! Account Information Several RR5-9 characters on both realms...I believe they may still be archived but I'm not positive, if that matters to anyone. PM me or you can contact me on at crazyhorse2985@ and I can elaborate more on what the account has! Account for Sale Main Character Information WTB high RR Zerk and Warrior! Account Information I want to buy a high RR warrior and zerker. RR9+ -must have secret word. -will pay more if the toon hasnt been transferred to ywain yet. -I am paying well AIM: mopmp2000 email:motar2k@ Account for Sale Main Character Information wts/wtt HEALER THANE Account Information Hello. i have a spare acc that is coming in from EU . Chars have never been sold. Healer is RR 8l8 Thane is RR 5+ I want Skald/Thane/Zerk on us plz. Pm me with infos. aim: [email protected] Account for Sale Main Character Information Skald, RR11L2, old school legendary Percival character. Account Information A piece of Percival server history. Now part of the Killbury Cluster. This character is a huge blast from the past. AIM: ValRadborne Account for Sale Main Character Information WTB Account... Info Inside Account Information WTB An account that has LG tradekills... Mainly LG Weapon crafter and Alchamist. any other Tradeskills a bonus.. Level or Realm Rank is NOT important ... Just lookin for the crafters... PM Me with Info required and How much you want for it.. ty as said i dont mind if its lvl1 and rr1 ... if it has a LG WC & Alch on same acc.. im interested. Account for Sale Main Character Information Estimate of this account Account Information gimpchimp.etilader/s.php?u=Daig all toons even the low rr # have dragon templates on them all are cl10 ml10 all casters/support have greater power myth Account for Sale Main Character Information WTS Account Mid/Alb BB's plus more Account Information I have an account with 3L3 Shaman and a Level 50 cleric for sale. The account also includes a 4L8 norse skald, 3L8 801 sc Theurg, 3L4 SB and 1L5 Berserker. I have SW for account. I am looking for $25.00 Account for Sale Main Character Information Looking to Buy loaded account Account Information I am looking for an account with a heap of 50's spread throughout alb/mid/hib the more the better and some toons with decent rr/templates pm me with offers and list of characters or simply post here ty Account for Sale Main Character Information WTS 8L3 Skald Mid Devon! Account Information I have an 8L3 Skald on Devon - Bedevere server (the characters have not been transferred to Ywain yet.) He is geared to the tits as he was the last character I played for quite some time...I could send you his exact template if you're interested. The account also has a 50 Bonedancer, Valk, and Shaman on it but to be honest they need a lot of help - just figured I'd mention them as well. You can IM me at jasonadorei@ or PM me here if you're interested, but I'd prefer if you IM me on . =)