Sold Near max cape rs3 account 2666 total level. with lots of extras

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by ricardo132, 6/13/17.

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  1. ricardo132

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    Close to maxed RS3 account.
    7 Years old tons of items. (sup elite void, all port armour, augmented torva, dragonrider lance etc.)
    Expensive items in the bank but a lot is untradable (hailfires, ring of death, souls necklace etc,
    Gyazo - 80bfa22600a5e4dde02ae15c7c575271.png
    Gear worn:
    Gyazo - 26e8b667892782a94d4e365e0e79b05b.png
    Noteworthy items:
    Gyazo - acfb494b6275bd7ddd3f531e6470bd28.png

    there is alot of random things in my bank just as expected from a high level account (portarmour etc).

    This account is being sold because I no longer have time or interest in the game.
    I tried it out with a bond but just did not get into it.
    This account is extremely high level so don't bother with low offers.

    Prefer paypal but bitcoin is an option.

    looking for 500 dollars.
    price can be negotiated.
    #1 ricardo132, 6/13/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/18/18
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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