I'd like to trade my BR 60 NC account for a VS account with about the same certs and the same sc spend. If the account is also on Ceres that's a plus. At the moment the account has 22500 certs in total and around 2300 certs unspent. I spend 51 Euro on SC (bought for 17 Euro when there was a 3*SC sale). I used the SC to buy weapons (jackhammer, ns-11a, dmr reaper, gd-7f, 2*hacksaw, ...) so none spend on cosmetics. I spend most of my certs on light assault, heavy assault and combat medic. For vehicles I only spend certs on the sunderer. Most of the certs are spend on the HA, he has adrenaline shield 5, resist shield 4, nanoweave 5, the 2 lockon launchers, 2 C4, .... I'll keep playing on this account until I can trade it so the unspent certs will probably be higher when the trade is done. .; Originally Posted by ExarXun I spend 51 Euro on SC (bought for 17 Euro when there was a 3*SC sale). So you only spend 17 euros and got the 3x value. What confuses me is that you can only buy 5/10/20/25/etc euros/dollars worth of SC. How you got to spend 17 Euros does not make sense to me.