Selling Navyfield Lvl120 BB6 Account (Not EU) WTS...

Discussion in 'Navyfield Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Navyfield Accounts - Buy and Sell, 12/4/13.

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  1. Navyfield Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Navyfield Lvl120 BB6 Account (Not EU) WTS Navyfield SN BB6 Account (This is not a Eu account). SNBB6 Has 2x 11/11BVE Gunners - 8x Elite Engs - 2x +12 Reps ALL EBVE/BVE Lion1 Crew +11/12 ALL BVE IJN SS4 +11/12 CREW all BVE US CV5 BO Lvl 105 IJN BB3 BO MN BB3-4 Crew All +12 BVE Premium ships: US: PCA/ECV1/PCV (Ticonderoga) RN: PCA/PBB IJN: PCL/PBB SN: PCA/PBB MN:PCA/PBB *Just the SN BB6 Crew can get you 2bil+ creds if you were to sell in-game...* also spent 60+$ on pcv/bb/ca/cls Selling for 80$ FIRM The premium ships and boosts/experts cost more then that alone, if interested post here or email me at [email protected] CHEAP!!! 80$ is a steal for this... bump
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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