Selling  iOS Naruto Ninja Blazing

Discussion in 'Naruto Ultimate Ninja Blazing Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Cheeki_Peach, 9/23/19.

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  1. Cheeki_Peach

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    I have played Blazing since january 2017 (1000 days 23/9-2019) and have grown tired of playing the game. I have all anni units and almost all blazing fest/bash characters with some maxed out or have a couple of abilities unlocked. My account is lvl 305 with 270 6* characters including blazing bash. Current pearls are 90 and will increase because I do dailies and pvp rewards until someone wants to buy my account. I have invested in it a lot with buying pearls so it will be a bit expensive.

    I do Paypal USD ($) only! Will send Paypal email until the customer decides to purchase the account.

    Contact me by comments or send to my email if you are interested at [email protected] for picture proof to assure everything is true.
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