Sold Naruto Blazing Top Tier account blazing fests and blazing bash

Discussion in 'Naruto Ultimate Ninja Blazing Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Adeeby10sa, 9/2/19.

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  1. Adeeby10sa

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    Tons of blazing fests and insane blazing
    bashes you will dominate in pvp and pve look at the pics some of the best units in the game,the best of the recent blazing fests are there the best ones also has some seasonal chars
    Also I have qualified for the Kage league so you will be able to participate in it for an exclusive reward which you can earn easy with the pvp team I have assembled
    Important !!!!!
    There are tons of pearl left to be farmed I have only done missions that have been active the past month the rest of the missions that have been here since the inception of the game is availble for you to farm pearls
    Currently top 1k in kage league so on tuesday you will receive kage league MADARA
    Every Tuesday you will have alot of Pearl's to farm because I've done 90 percent of emergency missions that are available
    PayPal or we can use your middleman but note they take long to actually do things
    Add me on discord we can do a deal

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