Selling Name snipes [Limited stock]

Discussion in 'Roblox Accounts for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Account' started by UnKnOwN???, 8/15/17.

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  1. UnKnOwN???

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    I only have a limited stock so hurry! The accounts I have will be below, the prices range from 1-5 USD. Yes, I am a new user so feel free to use an MM or you go first. I also always try to restock!

    NOTE* Some accounts may be <13 so, add your email as a parent one and request a birth date change.


    Q&A (Questions and Answers)
    Q: What is name sniping?
    A: A name sniper is a person who registers a new account (usually an alternate account) for the purpose of taking a clever username, a special user id (such as #7777777), claim the first account of a certain time period -usually the beginning of a year-, and/or other reasons.
    Q: Were these accounts #/forcefully taken?
    A: No, I have created every single account you see on this list.
    Q: So why should I invest my money into this?
    A: Number 1, then names are actually pretty cool. Number 2, you'll be like a god for having that unique name that seems like you were around for a while on roblox.
    Q: When do you usually re-stock?
    A: When I have only 1-2 accounts left.

    Answer from Question 1 was from: Name sniper | ROBLOX Wikia | FANDOM powered by Wikia

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Purchasing Info~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Payment: or just a standard PayPal transfer.

    To purchase contact me on discord at UnKnOwN#2536. Once you contact me you'll go first or we can use an MM.

    NOTE* I will respond once you add me on discord.

    Name snipes and prices:
    • Account: Geiger_Counter - 5 USD (This one was hard to get.)
    • Account: glutenfan - 2 USD
    • Account: Gluts_Glory - 1 USD
    • Account: LampMeal - 1 USD
    • Account: Potato_Patrol - 3 USD
    • Account: Xtreme_Sports - 5 (This one was very hard to get) (Also this reminds me of a Vannoss Episode)
    • Account: DJ_Lulz - 3 USD
    • Account: BathYard - 1 USD
    • Account: InfectiousFlu - 1 USD
    • Account: PhatAccount - 2 USD
    • Account: Back_Pain - 4 USD
    • Insane_Membrane - 5 USD
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
    EdwinAlador likes this.
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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