Selling NA-Yunwa Summoner HM10 751AP w/ Legendary 6 Weap/Legendary Ring+Neck+Pet and + other Classes

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Earvin, 10/11/16.

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  1. Earvin

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    I basically maxed out everything on my Summoner with Legendary 6 Weapon Legendary Necklace+Ring+Pet except HM energy. Complete HM Skills this character. also includes other classes such as HM9 Sin (Maxed Accessories + TrueScrop + HM Skills), HM9 KFM(w/ Offal Skill), HM8 FM (w/ Offal Skill),HM4 BM HM7 BD(Maxed Accessories). This account is Premium Rank 10.

    Seller location: Toronto, Canada
    Skype: earvin.diaz
    email: [email protected]

    It is best to email me first so I would know if you are interested. If you contact me we could negotiate Screenshot_161011_000.jpg Screenshot_161011_001.jpg Screenshot_161011_002.jpg Screenshot_161011_003.jpg Screenshot_161011_004.jpg Screenshot_161011_005.jpg Screenshot_161011_006.jpg Screenshot_161011_007.jpg
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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