Selling (NA) whale account w 4 Trans Ultimate and +2500 ess T

Discussion in 'Dragon Blaze Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ankiou, 10/7/17.

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  1. Ankiou

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    That's right! After much time and money invested I decided to sell my account due to lack of time to play.
    Account Name: Ankiou
    Server Americas
    Screenshot_2017-10-07-08-07-22.png - Google Drive

    17500 tickets, 1.1billion gold, 11400 rubi, 33250 friend points
    All classes LV117, all equipment lv117 with all 3 jewels socket unlocked, 7 Links open all full U Jewel.
    4 transcended Ultimate ( Margareth, Howl, Manalandy and Falcon)
    All transcended released MAX ( with exception of Tracy)
    All deities ultimate, all keys ultimate ( with exception of Prometheus and Hyperion)
    79SSS allies, can easily make 5-6 SSS a day if full farm
    2620 ess T, can make around 40-80 ess T a day
    Ready for Windlune, Lucienne, Gram and Belle with the best triple card saved
    All pets, including 48 days of Eligos and 58 days of Scarlet Tia
    190 SSS limit break stone, 781 SS and 372 S
    3380 magic scroll
    Current top 1 in my guild in GA and GL
    I don´t have a set price, however the 3 GK broche + Eligos and Tia gives a good valuation to this account.
    Thank you,
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  2. PlayerUp

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