Hello everyone, reason for selling my account is that I really got bored of the game, and have no time to play anymore, anyway for the one who buys the account there will be a gift from me, which is another account on asmo side KT, just so you can kill that asmo with the vandal and queue for instance etc, makes things much easier. just copy the link and paste it in your browser to check the gear. PVP gear: https://ibb.co/gtHYvhJ note: it has the newest accessories of 7.5 patch, giving you super high dps. PVE gear: https://ibb.co/vVn4Lp8 AP: https://ibb.co/8zzz2Tj Maxed rank S minion: https://ibb.co/8xt5Q7w Transformations: https://ibb.co/pzV4jXB Extra items including ( lunas - etiums - titan coins etc ) https://ibb.co/8bZ2nNz Motions: https://ibb.co/kxJ5XYZ also there are incredible skins on werhouse and luna inventory. Alts: https://ibb.co/kXHK0tM *gunner has full sove gear + cannon + pistol *you can do basic pve instance with glad / gunner / chanter / sw and SIN, sin was my main b4 6.0 ( vandal patch ) 32 storage pet mount sheep * 5 stigmas +9 / +10 the last one to complete the set is +7 Daevanion skills: FULL that's it, looking for your offers please, thank you !