Sold NA Super Acc, End of an Era/ 89 Collection/16525 Dust/1785 Gold

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hoobastk, 12/23/22.

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  1. Hoobastk

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    Upcoming "March of the Lich King" set, great time to hop in with a massive collection! My life is changing and I no longer have time to play the game I love, Hearthstone. I hope someone can enjoy it as much as I have these last 7 years. My account can go toe-to-toe with the top 1% of players in the game, and I have hit Legend many a month.

    I have played Hearthstone since Curse of Naxxramas, April 7, 2015

    I have some unique Hero portraits such as Arthas, Tyrande, and over half of the Rewards Track special portraits.

    My account has 23 Golden Legendaries!

    I have also played Battlegrounds and Mercenaries. Both are free-to-play and replayable so you should be able to jump right in from the start if you like. Or continue the Mercenaries game from where I took a break, with some high-level characters but no recent releases.

    I am not an achievement hunter but nonetheless completed a lot for fun. There are plenty more left to do also! authenticator not connected yet
    Phone number not supplied (you can assign your own)
    You are able to change the email, BattleTag, address, and name to your own

    contact me by discord to show you the link of all my letters.



    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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