Sold NA-Snowpine] Level 66 | 129K GS | Vanguard | Deluxe Pack

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Howllo, 4/20/17.

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  1. Howllo

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    Class: Vanguard (Tank)
    Level: 66
    Founder Pack: Deluxe
    Gearscore: 129,375
    Cult Points: 21
    Imperial Coins: 1.9M
    Price: $220
    - PayPal
    PM me if interested, or Skype: allenr64y

    I've been working on this character for so long, but had to stop for a week, due to vacation, so I got little behind on gearing up. Right now the character is only 129K Gearscore, at level 66.

    The character is currently at Demonslayer 6, which I could also have been higher if I did take off that week. This mean that I've successfully didn't get hit at all during a 10-player raid, last boss (And phase), at Great Bulwark expert. Most people are still trying to get that achievement.
    Note: LazyEyes isn't the character name, that piece was bought from auction house.
    Premium 30 days in scrolls:
    Skills are not maxed out since they cost tons of imperial notes the current skill are:
    The character also have a full Soul grid, most of them are level 3, with one or two level 2. The middle piece is a level 1, due to fact you have to kill world boss and they cost a lot when I first was doing it.
    Battleground rank is currently Level 2 Auros Cavlier. I plan on working to get Level 3 Auros Cavalier.
    Only bad thing about the character is the crafting. I only have one crafting that is above level 13. I haven't been big into crafting. Which shows in this picture:
    Other Things:

    The alt character currently haves a level 3 guild. My guild merged with a another guild, so that guild is still there. I currently have a guild name change in the inventory of the website, which is worth 5000 aurum, or $60.

    Changing the character name will cost 998K in-game coins @ 999:1, or $13 for aurum. This is not included with the character.

    I will be playing this character in the mean time, during the time this goes lives until it get sold. The price will stay the same.

    The character also haves most of the gear above at +45%, some are at +52%. Each piece is at +10. The pants are at +11, due to fact that they are level 66.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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