Sold NA Scholar - LVL 61+ PEN/TET Blackstar Weapons, Gear worth 52000M+ ( 52 BILLIONS+)

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kill3rzz, 7/26/24.

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  1. Kill3rzz

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    DETAILS ABOUT THE ACCOUNT: I'm the Original (and only) owner of the account, which means you're 100% guaranteed to keep the account after the purchase, thus there will be no chargebacks or account retrieval problems. Issues tend to occur mainly when you buy from a reseller ( who can't guarantee you anything, as he doesn't have control over original owner ) or a seller with low trade rating. All sales are final, no refunds or accounts switching/trading. You will get full control of both the Black Desert account, as well as the email associated with it. HIGHLIGHTS: - Class and Level: Scholar, Level 61+ / Server: North America / Platform: PC - Gear Score: Attack Power: 266 ; Awakened Attack Power 277 ; Defence Power: 322 - Equipped Gear value: 52000M+ (52 BILLIONS+) - Extra Cash Silver in storage: 1700M+ ( 1.7 BILLIONS+) - Extra: 45 days of Permanent 100% Extra Combat XP and 50% Skill XP ( Sealed Book of Combat in inventory that can be activated anytime ) and 100+ Scrolls of 530% Combat & Skill XP along with other various XP scrolls. It also has quite a few failstacks (Advice of Valks), from +10 to +150. - 180+ Combat XP Scrolls ( Mercenary Experience - 60 minutes, Combat EXP +100% ), 25+ Combat & Skill EXP 300% Scroll (Combat EXP + 300%, Skill EXP +300%), 15+ Blessed Message Scroll - 100 minutes (Combat EXP +200%, Skill EXP +30%) + many other Combat and Life XP Scrolls - 8 Pets ( Tier 1 Chicken + Tier 1 Chicken + Tier 1 Ghospy + Tier 1 Haetae + Tier 1 Cat + Tier 1 Cat + Tier 1 Hawk + Tier 1 Rabbit ) - 7 Maids ready to be used ( 4 Storage Maid + 3 Transaction Maids ) - Premium Costumes - Tier 9 Horse ( Vipiko's Dreaming horse, you can choose between Doom, Dine and Arduanatt ) PRICE: $310
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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