Selling NA Rogue w HK relics, over 8300 Achievments, 40...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/18/13.

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  1. Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    NA Rogue w HK relics, over 8300 Achievments, 40 mounts, 50+ companions ALL artifacts I have a very complete rogue toon for sale. Gear always changes and is already very good but this account has other things that set it apart from the rest such as all artifact sets, over 8300 achievements, 40 mounts, 50+ companions, lots of vanity items, etc. She is an Eth Defiant and in an 11/11HK guild and has about 350 days left on subscription (worth 119.00). She has the following… • Over 8300 cheeve points and 15 Legacy achievements • Conqueror ROS, GSB and 7 away from Conq HK • PVP rank 38 with over 43,000 kills lifetime and 3 million favor lifetime • Full PVP set with full PVP source • 4 HK armor relics, remaining armor is Zardonis; other items are HK gear or better (ROTP dagger) • 5 BiS Completed Source Machines (MM, BD/BS, PVP, Tank, Water); 4 of the sources are barnacles that can be reenchanted to +20 element after next patch • Water over 141 unbuffed • Very good tank set (16k+ health, 1540 end, 259 toughness) with mostly HK items (missing HK legs – been holding out for boneweaver legs, have 2 Zardonis tank items (Chest, Shoulders) • ALL artifact sets complete (including the new mCR set) • All but 3 reps maxxed out (need to wrap up Keepers, Seekers and Vanguard) • 40 mounts (if you complete 2 remaining world event dubloon quests on this and alt will have 42) • 21,000+ PA points • 50+ companions • 1600+ plat on main • All world event titles\cheeves • Ton of titles • Lots of vanity items • Relic GSB bow • 6 Zardonis Crystals (Assassin, Nightblade, Ranger, Bladedancer, Riftstalker, MM • Also has Ashes of History, Collectors edition, Well Spun Hat, all 2 year vet rewards, half birthday present, spindrel • All 5 Wardrobe sets open • Has many wardrobe vanity items • Has plenty of pots, philters, stones banked • Has butchering, mining and runecrafting skills with 170 runcrafting plans I have a 50 mage alt that full crafted gear and 350+ focus. Also a low level bank alt with all slots open and full with 22 slot bags. I am selling as I am a new dad and have no time to play anymore. I am happy to telk on the phone to discuss more. I have a very good ebay rep and paypal rep. All secret qa will be provided. I am asking 300 (as this includes 1 year paid). If you want more details or want to talk let me know. Also I barely talk on vent or chat in guild chat so it would be very easy to transition to this guild. Taking verified paypal payments only.
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