Selling  Reboot  1-24 Hours NA Reboot | Maplestory Boss Carries | Max Drop | All Bosses | Safe and Secure

Discussion in 'Maplestory Powerleveling for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by mapleplayr, 5/2/22.

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  1. mapleplayr

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    Add me on Discor.d to get started - vm#0351.

    I can carry all bosses on the NA Reboot Server for you including Hard Lucid, Hard Will, Hard Lotus/Damien, Chaos Root Abyss, Hard Magnus, and more. Let me know first for advanced scheduling and any bosses that are not on the list below. Ask me about event pricing!

    Notice: This post is maintained as of May 2022. Happy Maple Anniversary!

    Contact me on Discor.d: vm#0351 for more information. Please book in advance for all bosses!

    Boss carries will be carried completely legitimate on non-cheated characters, and with mechanics explained beforehand. Max drop rate gear will always be equipped at the end of the kill. I have full drop gear with double lines (360%) and drop rate inner ability (20%), as well as drop familiar and holy symbol (100%+24%), and drop coupon (50%), 20% from WAP (Wealth Acquisition Potion) as well as a base rate of (100%).

    This is a total drop rate of 674%, the maximum possible on Reboot without item acquisition familiar *10% each* (extremely rare and unobtainable for most s). Feel free to ask me questions on what to expect from certain bosses and offers.

    I am always willing to answer questions and help with your setup/situation as I am an endgame player with extensive knowledge of many classes in Reboot and what the progression path looks like for any class or character at any stage in the game.

    My schedule at the moment is: Very Flexible (PST timezone, generally reachable from 10am-3am PDT)

    All offers are in USD. Minimum purchase of $5. Bundle discounts are available. For Hard Bosses, all loot is available!

    Early Progression Bosses (Solo Loot Deals):

    Chaos Horntail: $2
    Hard Von Leon: $2
    Hard Hilla: $2
    Normal Arkarium: $2
    Hard Ranmaru: $2
    Chaos Zakum: $2
    Chaos Pink Bean: $3
    Normal Cygnus: $3
    Hard Magnus : $3
    Akechi Mitsuhide: $3
    Hell Gollux: $7
    Slime : $15

    Let me know if buying in bulk, special offers are available!

    Daily Boss Carry Service List:

    Full Hell Mode Gollux - (SOLO Coin and SOLO Equip Loot): $7
    Full Hell Mode Gollux - (SOLO Coin and SOLO Equip Loot) (7 Day 7 Kill Bundle): $35
    Full Hell Mode Gollux AND Arkarium - (SOLO Coin and SOLO Equip Loot) (BOTH 7 Day 7 Kill Bundle): $40

    Weekly Carry Bosses:

    (Solo Loot Deals)

    Chaos Papulatus (BiS Eye Slot Transposed): $5
    Princess No (BiS Secondary + BiS Ring): $8

    Chaos Pierre: $3
    Chaos Von Bon: $3
    Chaos Queen: $3
    Chaos Vellum: $5

    Solo Loot CRA bundle (BiS Hat, Top, Bottom Loot) (All four doors included): $11

    Hard Lucid: $35
    Hard Will: $35

    Normal Lucid: $15
    Normal Will: $15

    Hard Damien + Normal Lotus Bundle: $20
    Hard Lotus + Normal Damien Bundle: $20
    Hard Damien + Hard Lotus Bundle: $30

    Normal Damien: $5
    Normal Lotus: $5
    Normal Lotus + Damien Bundle: $8

    Gloom : $15
    Darknell : $15

    Gloom + Darknell Spark combo: $25

    Happy Mapling, all!
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