Selling   NA Reboot Heroic | Heroic Kronos | Heroic Hyperion | Maplestory Boss Carries | Max Drop | All Bosses

Discussion in 'Maplestory Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Patrickstart1, 11/21/24.

  1. Patrickstart1

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    Message me on Discord: patriq1 to learn more about these boss carries! Please book in advance for bosses as spots are limited! All boss carries will be on the Maplestory Kronos Reboot or Hyperion Reboot server.

    Discord: patriq1

    Runs will be completely legitimate on Reboot Boss Carries standard checked characters. Any mechanics you would need will be explained before the carry to ensure your survival. Maximum drop rate gear will always be equipped at the end of the kill or at the boss loot room.

    All bosses will be run with solo loot, meaning that you will receive the entirety of the kill's loot.

    Early Game Boss Carries:

    Horntail: $2

    Von Leon: $2

    Hilla: $2

    Arkarium: $2

    Ranmaru: $2

    Zakum: $2

    Pink Bean: $2

    Cygnus: $2

    Magnus : $2

    Akechi Mitsuhide: $4

    Papulatus: $2

    Bundle discounts available upon request, do let me know on Discor.d!

    Full Day Gollux - (SOLO Coin and SOLO Equip Loot): $4

    Weekly Boss Carries List:

    Chaos Pierre: $4

    Chaos Von Bon: $4

    Chaos Queen: $4

    Chaos Vellum: $8

    Full Chaos Root Abyss Bundle: $16

    Princess No: $8

    Other Weekly Boss Carries List:

    Damien + Lotus: $15

    Lucid: $15

    Will: $15

    Gloom: $15

    Verus Hilla: $15

    Darknell: $15

    Black Mage: $50

    Slime: $15

    Seren: $35
    Kalos: $35
    Kaling: $35

    All offers are U.S and Canada based for safety, and all runs will be done in accordance with Reboot Boss Carries standard.
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