Sold [NA] non steam lvl 63 hash/62 sage 644 GS inf hp/mp pot all pieces but elten

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FlawlessMite1212, 1/24/22.

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  1. FlawlessMite1212

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    LVL 63 22.193% hash 2644 SP/ LVL 62 sage 42.070% 2449 SP, 5.7b in market, t4 hedgehog/ all t4 pets, miraculous cheer V and feathery steps V, 11 market maids and 13 storage maids, have tent, 394 loot scrolls, all compass pieces but elten, have both infinite potions, have two full sets of reroll coupons not including exp, master 20 cook. If you would like more pics or have any questions message me. Original owner.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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