4FP lvl120 EBVE 200+ vets on time
1FP lvl117 EBVE 190+ vets on time
1FP lvl114 EBVE 190+ vets on time
1FP lvl120 EBVE fighter only classed 220vets
1FP lvl120 EBVE ace only classed 590 max sailors 210vets
4 dive bombers lvl114-120 EBVE
1 lvl120 seaman +12 fighter BVE 210vets
extra fighters if lvled to lvl 100 can each earn 100m credits:
lvl76 only ace classed EBVE
lvl83 only ace classed EBVE
lvl94 on time EBVE
lvl102 EBVE fighter 140vets
premium ship: tichonderoga
MN bb5 alsace/thermidor/rich/
event ships: thermidor/le harve/strasbourg
BO LVL 113
2x 12/10 acc rel gunners BVE 150 vets 700 experts
5 lvl111 Engys 2 elites 150+ elites on all
3 lvl110 Reps
2x lvl 90 special sailors classed as gunners for aa
1x lvl 111 scout +12 scout BVE
MN Sub: SS4 Special sailor BO lvl 90
Special sailor torpedo lvl 90x2 200vets
Special sailor planesman and sonarman lvl 90 220vets
IJN sub: SS4 Kaidai
BO lvl 81
2x lvl 81 torpman 130 vets
Engys: lvl91/90/86/79 all 150 vets BVE
lvl 90 sailor is EBVE
+15 pot planesman & sonarman lvl 80 140 vets
Soviet: bb4/nearbb5
BO lvl 90 special sailor
5 special sailor lvl 90 engys standard 30%vets that comes with special sailors when classed 210vets
2 special sailor lvl 90 gunners 200vets
Event ships: Stalingrad,Proletariat
Extra: 1000 smoke/bunch of ship tuning/ship tree resetx1/130 +1 vet packs/8+10 vet pack/90 30% exp bonus/40 +10 expert pack
As you can see I have a bunch of special sailors that are worth 200 medals each. In addition I have 100m credits and 40m points. Post here with offer or message me with offer.
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