Hello selling NA / MT server account. Unfortunately i got a new game its a human baby... got no time to play now selling 65 High Elf male Lancer full +12 tensus ilvl 399 65 Castanic female Sorceress full deviate ilvl 390 65 Elin Reaper 3 Schisma and 2 tensus +12 ilvl 397 65 High Elf female Gunner 3 schisma and 2 tensus +12 ilvl 396 60 High Elf female Brawler almost lvl 61 quest gear. HIt me upm i can log on so u can view the characters if u have a tera account. I can also send screenshots not top tier but definitely able to run the new instances with no problem. Thank You!
Buyer Order Confirmation This message is to inform the seller and original author of this thread that a buyer has completed payment for this account listing. We will now be creating a ticket upon verifying the buyers payment. Buyer = @steveyv