The account is linked to a Facebook that is linked to a throwaway email. You will get access to the email as well as the Facebook account. Once you change the password on both I will completely lose access to the account and it will 100% be yours. Alt characters include a lvl 61 huntress and lvl 61 archmange and lvl 50 sorceress 35/35 workers Lvl 21 nodes 3x tier 6 horses (1 horse had all best in slot skills with a +25 AP bonding skill (+30AP with skills)) about 20 days left on combat plus, life plus, black spirit plus, and camp manager from the making of this post **i will log in daily to gather, complete node for rewards, do daily quests/events, etc until the account is bought** any questions or need more info? DM me on discord laflare#1017