Sold [NA] Lvl.90 Whale Account (sss Alpha, sss Kamui S, ss Bianca S)

Discussion in 'Punishing Gray Raven Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by judgespear, 11/8/21.

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  1. judgespear

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    Selling my friend's whale account. He spent around $2500 on total top-ups on this account and wants to sell it for at least close to half the amount he spent on this account. Rfs: moving to Asia server.

    - will continue playing until sold. Spending will now be limited only to buying Monthly Packs.
    - currently all contents are cleared, from Golden Vortex, Stronghold, and latest story chapter (Eternal Engine).
    - payment via Paypal Friend and Family option only.
    - 7 days left Monthly Pack A and B as of date of posting.
    - 8765 BC and 1250 Focused Weapon Tickets, 400 Event Construct Tickets.
    - bound to dummy gmail only.

    - ASKING PRICE: $900+

    - SSS Alpha + Full Reso Sakura and 6* Memories + JP skin
    - SS Bianca Veritas + Full Reso Tonitrus and 6* Memories + Pact of Zero skin

    - SSS Kamui Tenebrion + Darkness and 6* Memories (Full Reso) + Shadow Vanguard skin
    - Karenina S + Fusion Dragon + Nurse skin

    - A Liv, A Kamui signature weapons. Lots of 5* weapons full resonated.
    - 6 Ultima Awakened Constructs (Alpha, Kamui S, Bianca S, Karenina S, Karenina A, Watanabe Astral)
    - 5 base S ranks (only missing Lee S and Nanami S)
    - 4 SSS+, 6 SSS (includes Alpha and Kamui S), 4 SS (includes Bianca S), and 4 S Constructs.
    - can consistently retain or promote between Leader/Hero on Warzone.
    - 1%-5% on Pain Cage. Can even enter Top 100 if you have fast fingers.

    Interested peeps may PM me here or chat me on Discord at Judgespear#4786
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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