I am selling my NA LEGACY account. Character is currently on Ragnarok. I stopped playing at Patch 4.3, provided a link so you can follow the patch notes on where the account was left off. (https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/13e322580acb8e9861160a6e08ccabfaff09eeee) You pay $3 less each month for having a Legacy account compared to a regular account. I currently have 1.57 Billion Gil on the account (1,574,144,296 to be exact). Rest of the Gil is in the retainer, you can only hold 999,999,999 Gil on the character. I have a ton of minions, mounts, materias stashed away in the retainer as you can see in the screenshots below: https://ibb.co/5MhN2sT https://ibb.co/VW6X2mT https://ibb.co/tLGW7bt https://ibb.co/C9z7M4n https://ibb.co/37D3q0T https://ibb.co/YDjYc7b https://ibb.co/pQ99f5Z https://ibb.co/R0ghwsG https://ibb.co/dmG8nF0 https://ibb.co/8rCfBZB https://ibb.co/JxJkdSx https://ibb.co/YTjrQdf https://ibb.co/6y1xRLL https://ibb.co/xzfqP02 https://ibb.co/LCHx9Y3 https://ibb.co/KqxCNbp https://ibb.co/q74mChd https://ibb.co/Wt2mDsw You can contact me on Discord: Bae-Bae#1999 This account belongs to me, the other posts are a fake. I have proof.