Selling NA Klapedia. Original owner 168 Fletcher

Discussion in 'Tree of Savior Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by goodgravy22, 11/30/16.

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  1. goodgravy22

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    168 Fletcher built for PvP

    Shade Dancer
    Shade Skirt
    Full Cafrisun

    +3 Catacomb Shooter (7/10)
    +7 Regina Bow (1/5)

    Zachariel Bangle

    Mineloader Card
    Gray Golem card
    Glass mole card
    Harpeia card

    27 mystery cubes

    Not the greatest account but it's certainly a nice setup. I'm the original owner of the account and can provide all the info needed.
    The reason I have nice gears at this early stage of the game was my friend was trying to get me into it and pretty much carried me... neither of us play now though so here are.

    skype: saraisaweakling
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