Hey guys, im quitting hearthstone so ill be selling my account. The account has season 1 and 2 card back as well as 9 legendaries. I can screenshare u the account over skype, you offer me a price. add my skype, my id is ragequiteric. Looking for a decent price. No lowballers pls are you willing to accept league of legends account trades? if so add me on skype: tokyo.raven Account has 5 legendaries and 870 dust now. Just got scammer by a fuc ker and he disenchanted 4 cards. But remaining legendaries are Cairne bloodhoof, gelbin mekkatorque, ragnaros, old murk eye and leeroy jenkins. so price has gone down a bit How did you get scammed? What price are you looking for ? Since only Cairne, Rag and Leeroy is kinda # efficient.