The account is rank 7, playing since closed beta. Has 1800 Dust available so you can craft whatever legendary you want. I am the original owner. Here is the list of legendaries and epics, I also have too many rares to list. Leave offer in PM or msg me on skype: kevnisawesome. We will use a middleman or you will go first, no exceptions. Legendaries: Archmage Antonidas Edwin VanCleef Lord Jaraxxus Grommash Hellscream GOLDEN Bloodmage Thalnos Leeroy Jenkins Old Murk Eye Cairne Bloodhoof Gelbin Mekkatorque (Only available in closed beta) Sylvanas Windrunner Ragnaros the Firelord Alexstraza Ysera Epics: Force of Nature 2x Ancient of Lore 2x Preparation Doomhammer 2x Shield Slam Gorehowl Brawl Big Game Hunter Faceless Manipulator 2x Molten Giant 2x Mountain Giant Just opened a Malygos.