NA Hearthstone Account (23 Legends) Have a couple of card backs, my account can run easily any deck in the #. Spend over $400. Looking for around $150 paypal (People are selling half or less i have for $100+). Msg this thread with ur skype id and we'll talk Legendary Cards (23): bloodmage thalnos nat pagle king mukla leeroy jenkins old murk-eye harrison jones cairne bloodhoof golden gelbin mekkatorque illidan stormrage sylvanas windrunner the black knight baron geddon ragnaros the firelord alexstrasza malygos ysera cenarius archmage antonidas tirion fordring edwin vancleef lord jaraxxus grommash hellscream got almost all epics especially x2 , rares.etc (Ie: Giants, class epics like pyro blast , ancients etc.) 530 dust Sent you a PM. HOWS 75 usD add me on skype wished5 if you're interested in a league of legends acc worth 100+ euro's I will do 100 USD but you need to send me information first to check the account and than i will pay for it. or we can go through or ebay ?? ? 150USD,please sell it to me,thanks All good retracting offer. I got a better deal elsewhere