Account description: Fresh account for Fate Grand Order (F/GO) No other Campaigns completed (Only completed tutorial) ACCOUNT#1 - $20 http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1500156781/qna09upt838cnbe187e7.jpg ACCOUNT#2 - $20 http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1500157232/mmasf9ypntbnevpcjyb1.jpg ACCOUNT#3 - $15 http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1500175098/ljhddrvzi9531uxsknlv.jpg Payment: Will be processed through paypal. These are virtual goods will not be refunded after use. Contact me at: Discord: kamixmachina#2254 KIK: _kamix WILL BE UPDATED EVERY TIME I GET NEW ACCOUNTS WITH 5* IN IT